Sunday, April 28, 2013

multi user minecraft on a pair of Raspberry PIs

Minecraft on Raspberry PI, supports multi users!

we have two original (256 meg) raspberry pi in the house, and have tried out the multi user mode.

one on the old composite TV, second on an HDMI monitor.

[screen shots pending]


  • the composite TV at ~600x400 is a slightly squished (and blurry) version, but easily playable.  runing with the minecraft window maximized.  Could switch the window manager to a simpler version : Blackbox ?
  • StevePi on the network as the user id... need to look at changing this default (both currently say the same, so need to look at the IP)
  • running on an internal network, not on the "bare" internet.

Android + PI

Found the Demo Android version of minecraft fails to connect;  you need to connect with the full version; so then your android device can also participate.

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