Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Skype voice on OLPC

got the current skype_static- running voice only mode on the OLPC.

the missing xscreensaver library was a bit hard to find;

running from a USB flash drive, don't yet have an SD card;

looked at postings on getting the video running;

is similar to my K6, so may work...

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Skype and QuickCam Pro 9000 on K6 (puppy 3.01)

Skype is running and able to use the quickcam pro 9000 on puppy linux 3.01

on a K6 450!

let's see how annoying it is to use...

loaded the quick cam drivers and the uvcvideo pets


had to modprobe them in the correct order, or else you get odd errors about missing stuff...

1)xawtv does not seem to pick it up, still need to tweak it
2)skype didn't pick up the microphone on the camera... still need to figure that out...