Wednesday, September 19, 2012

New Raspbian running

new raspbian image running. Detected wireless out of box. Found driver is loaded from "staging" area, so hope it will eventually get promoted.

trying turbo mode.

penguinspuzzle does still lock up occasionally.

One slight oddity:
wireless keyboard does not startup all the time.
unplugging wireless usb radio dongle, and plugging back in re-enables.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Fedora on Raspberry Pi, fedoraspberry? pi-dora?

Tried out one of the Fedora 17 images
I use Fedora on my netbook, so it was familiar

The video settings are different than raspbian. Noticed due to running on a SD TV
Pygame was not installed by default, but a quick
 yum install 
enabled it, and could run wormy.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Fedora 17 + acer aspire one SD Card reader fix

my netbook : Acer Aspire One D257-1814

did not recognize the SD card reader with the default Fedora 17 build. Googled and found that a missing "staging" module was required:
having previously installed rpmfusion:

yum install kmod-staging
modprobe keucr

(did reboot)

now inserting my SD card brings up the file dialog!

necessary to rebuild raspberry pi images.

Update: 2014
Fedora 20 "just works"
out of box.
no new mods required.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Raspbmc and MythTV, via WiFi, no extra codec

MythTV videos playing on the Raspberry Pi

MythTV setup on Fedora creates files that do not play on a default setup; but if they have been transcoded, they play.
All defaults, did not change MythTV settings.
TV card:Hauppauge WinTV-PVR-USB2 MPEG2 Encoder/Tuner

Monday, September 10, 2012

Colossal Cave on Raspberry PI

Putting some old text games on the Raspberry PI This is a very old one I played : Colossal Cave Adventure
part of the bsdgames package.

apt-get install bsdgames

Friday, September 7, 2012

US keyboard, case and WiFi on Raspberry PI

There is our 1.0 case. The chef's hat seemed to fit the theme: The SD Card is like a cookie tray, says my son.
logged into the raspbian image, using a US keyboard. Originally accepted all defaults settings, including the UK keyboard; My daughter trying to type some python scripts noticed the discrepancy...
ran the command
sudo dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration
to reset keyboard.

using the Debian instructions for command line have connected an ASUSTek Computer, Inc. USB-N10 802.11n Network Adapter [Realtek RTL8188SU] Update
The Chef is from the lego city hotdog cart
I picked the ASUS WiFi dongle, since it has "Linux Support" printed right on the packaging!