Monday, October 13, 2008

New XO Keyboard

finally giving up on hacking the old "sticky keys" keyboard.

found online supplier for OLPC parts:

they seemed legit; and take paypal, so filled out the online form to order a new one.


Keyboard arrived Friday!

(was away this weekend)

will try to replace... this week?

here's how...

or video:

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

KPC in Canada...

Picked up yet another computer:

a shuttle KPC.
This was a full system from a local shop, all I did was plug it in
celeron E1200 (dual core)
1 Gig Ram
80 gig HD

came with Fedora 8 pre-installed.
I've kept it running that.


  • Hooked up our Quickcam PRO 9000; needed to add the extra module to support that, since Fedora 8 didn't support that out of the box.
  • is a bit noiser that I'd hoped.  Have found similar comments on the web; their solutions was to mount an external, larger fan, and disable the internal one; may also do this
  • main uses: my OGG collection (didn't have MP3 support by default, due to being Fedora, so am moving to OGG, from MP3)
  • web surfing/flash
  • looking at video from our digital cameras:  again had to add codecs, due to Fedora (here I relented and put some on, since modifying the default from the camera is currently difficult)