Tuesday, January 15, 2008

OLPC Arrived!

OLPC arrived today!

didn't let the kids see it, as I'm paranoid, and if it was a "green brick" I didn't want them to be as dissapointed as me!

so, after they fall asleep...

took it for a spin.  Connected to my wireless, browsed the web, and found "gcompris.activities.xo"

so now it has the same set of activities as the iMac, plus the new ones.

now I have to hide it, and see if it survives the pair, 4 and 6...

I  didn't get "one laptop per child" so we'll see if it gets killed tomorrow.... ;)

but hey, it is supposed to be able to withstand kids ;)

general impressions:
screen fantastic!
keyboard: really too small for me to even try to touch type, I'm back at my other system now.
wireless; works like a charm.

did drop to the command line.  Neat.

didn't stream from the cbc .ogg site by just clicking on the link :(

looks like I'll have to install something.

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